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Category: Uncategorized

Description: Language plays a foundational role in our everyday lives; however, we don’t have a complete neural explanation for how language functions. It is proposed that word meaning is represented in a distributed semantic system and involves sensorimotor, emotional, and introspective neural regions, in addition to regions more traditionally associated with language processing. According to some accounts, this distributed system feeds into a primary semantic hub in the anterior temporal lobe. Though a substantial amount of research has been conducted to understand the neural correlates of concrete and abstract noun representation, there is little research regarding abstract verbs. Therefore, we will investigate the distributed semantic system associated with different types of abstract verbs and test hypotheses derived from the multiple representation accounts of embodied semantic representation, the Hub and Spoke Model of Semantic Memory, and the Graded Semantic Hub Hypothesis.

License: CC-By Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


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