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Data and analysis code for the paper: **Location-independent feature binding in visual working memory for sequentially presented objects. Schneegans S, Harrison WJ & Bays PM. *Attention, Perception & Psychophysics* 2021 Apr 16. doi:10.3758/s13414-021-02245-w (2021)** #### Data #### Data for both experiments is saved in tables experiment1 and experiment2 in the Matlab data file `allData.mat`, and data for each experiment is also saved in a separate csv file. The trials for each participant are arranged in the order they were collected. The tables and csv files contain the following columns: - `subject` - subject ID - `block` - block of trials within each experimental condition - `longISI` - true if inter-stimulus interval was long (600 ms), false otherwise - `sameLocation` - true if all items within a trial were presented at the same location, false otherwise - `responseValue` - participants' response (orientation in range [-pi/2, pi/2) for experiment 1, color angle in CIELab space in range [-pi, pi) for experiment 2) - `targetValue` - actual feature value of the cued item (same format as responseValue) - `targetIndex` - ordinal position of the cued item within a trial - `itemReportValues` - orientations or colors of all sample items - `itemCueValues` - indices of categorical cue features of all sample items (experiment 1: 1 - red, 2 - green, 3 - blue, 4 - yellow; experiment 2: 1 - circle, 2 - triangle, 3 - square, 4 - pentagon) - `itemAngularLocations` - angular locations of all sample items on a circle, range [-pi, pi) #### Analysis code #### Matlab code for analyzing data and creating all figures from the paper and the supplementary information is provided in the file `analysis.m`. Choose Experiment 1 or 2 at the start of the file and run the script to produce the figures. The script can also save results as csv files (`stats_expX.csv` and `distanceEffects_expX.csv`) for statistical analysis in JASP (code at the end of the file). All auxiliary functions used in the script are provided, most of them are taken from the bayslab toolbox ( #### Statistical analysis #### Statistical analyses were performed in `JASP`. The files `stats_expX.jasp` and `distanceEffects_expX.jasp` contain all Bayesian tests reported in the paper and the supplementary information.
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