Here you can find files used for the current version of Gender-Science IAT on the PI Netherlands site.
For the IAT task,
Female (Vrouw) stimuli are: "Moeder", "Echtgenoot", "Tante", "Vrouw", "Meisje", "Vrouwelijk", "Oma", "Dochter";
Male (Man) stimuli are: "Vader", "Echtgenoot", "Oom", "Man", "Jongen", "Mannelijk", "Opa", "Zoon";
Liberal Arts (Alpha wetenschappen) stimuli are: "Philosophy", "Arts", "Humanities", "Literature", "English", "Music", "History";
Science (Beta Wetenschappen) stimuli are: "Biology", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Math", "Geology", "Astronomy", "Engineering";
The experiment procedure has been changed over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.