Files included:
- Qualtrics template for the CET studies (general, comparable to Study 1, 2, 5)
- Study 3 Flanker task MediaLab/Direct RT study (zip file)
- Study 7a Qualtrics file (Anchoring dependent variable, neutral manipulation, same DV as Study 4)
- Study 8 Qualtrics study
- Study 9 Restricted Writing Qualtrics study*
- Study 10 Self-Affirmation Qualtrics study*
- Zip file of all of the videos used for all of the studies except for Study 6
*for each, one of two versions is online, and there was a second counterbalanced version
Still forthcoming:
- Datasets (need to determine which consent forms which participants signed, to determine whether specific datasets can be posted publicly or privately)
- Study 5 Anagram task MediaLab/Direct RT study (zip file)
- Organizing all files to make more accessible
Specific details of (pre-registered) Study 8:
- 8 blocks (4 rejuvenated and 4 either neutral or depleting)
- manipulations are ~75 seconds long
- neutral condition consists of answering easy questions about oneself (2 neutral blocks) and of sorting names of objects into easy category (e.g. sorting words by the first letter; 2 neutral blocks)
Sample size will be 80 participants.
**Neutral Tasks**
The neutral tasks selected were piloted on MTurk along with 5 other potentially neutral tasks. We selected and used the two tasks which evoked the smallest within-subject change in participant's mood (pleasant to unpleasant), fatigue (fatigued to energized), and "motivation" (lazy to motivated) self-reports. The distribution of neutral tasks was between-subject, and changes in subjective state was collected pre-task vs. post-task.