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This is the current version of the Frequency in Language Analysis Tool (FLAT) developed by Vitor Zimmerer, Michael Coleman and Mark Wibrow at University College London. The software is functional and accurate - however, it is work in progress and documentation is incomplete. If you are using FLAT and have any questions, please get in touch with Vitor Zimmerer at . Please use the following reference: Zimmerer, V.C., Coleman, M., & Wibrow, M. (2017). Frequency in Language Analysis Tool. FLAT: - extracts each word, bigram and trigram from orthographic samples (please check formatting guidelines). - looks up their usage frequency in the British National Corpus (2007), and calculates collocation strength (Mutual Information and t-scores) for each combination. - produces raw data tables. - provides a results summary (however, it is safer to use the uploaded R script). For guidelines on how to use FLAT, please see the uploaded guidelines from the UTILISE project, which are the best instructions produced thus far. For fast and reliable way to extract data summaries for each transcript, please use the included R script. It works with the file composite_modified.csv which is generated in the /Results folder each time FLAT finishes processing transcripts. For examples for the application of FLAT, please check out these publications: Zimmerer, V. C., Wibrow, M., & Varley, R. A. (2016). Formulaic language in people with probable Alzheimer’s Disease: a frequency-based approach. *Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease*, 53, 1145–1160. Zimmerer, V. C., Newman, L., Thomson, R., Coleman, M. J., & Varley, R. A. (2018). Automated analysis of language production in aphasia and right hemisphere damage: Frequency and collocation strength. *Aphasiology*, 32(11), 1267–1283. Bruns, C., Varley, R. A., Zimmerer, V. C., Carragher, M., Brekelmans, G., & Beeke, S. (2019). “I don’t know”: a usage-based approach to familiar collocations in non-fluent aphasia. *Aphasiology*, 33(2), 140–162. Zimmerer, V. C., Hardy, C. J. D., Eastman, J., Dutta, S., Varnet, L., Bond, R., … Varley, R. A. (2020). Automated profiling of spontaneous speech in primary progressive aphasia and behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia: An approach based on usage-frequency. *Cortex*, 133, 103-119.
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