The file `word_ratings.xlsx` includes the following columns:
- `word`: **Spanish word**
- `ico-m`: **average iconicity of the word**
- `ico-sd`: **standard deviation of the iconicity of the word**
- `ico-n`: **number of participants who rated the iconicity of the word**
- `ico-dn`: **number of participants who indicated that they did not know the word or its meaning**
- `audio-m`: **average iconicity of the word in the auditory modality**
- `audio-sd`: **standard deviation of the iconicity of the word in the auditory modality**
- `audio-n`: **number of participants who rated the iconicity of the word in the auditory modality**
- `audio-dn`: **number of participants who indicated that they did not know the word or its meaning in the auditory modality**
- `gcat`: **grammatical category of the word**