Within this project are the data and R scripts for the experiments outlined in the article "The role of animacy in children's interpretation of relative clauses in English: Evidence from sentence-picture matching and eye movements" featured in Cognitive Science.
The materials are split into four folders by experiment and cohort type (adult/child) . Each of the folders is organised in the same way.
Each folder contains a series of .csv files that were outputted from SR Research's DataViewer software. These files contain sample level (500 samples per second) eye movement data for every participant. In the case of the child data folders, there are also .csv files containing each subject's scores on various executive function tests (see paper for details).
The R-file with the title beginning "make_dataframe" in each folder extracts data from each of these .csv files, calculates a number of key time-stamps, and produces a single new .csv file.
The other R-file ("eye_trackingR...") contains the script to analyse the eye movement and behavioural data. If there are any questions or clarifications regarding these materials, we encourage you to contact the lead author, Ross Macdonald via email (r.g.macdonald1@ljmu.ac.uk).