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You, Me and the Little Monsters
- Katharina Stiehl
- Isabella Pollak
- Beate Schrank
- Kate Woodcock
- Kerstin Angelika Zechner
- Christian Wiesner
- James Birchwood
- Sylvia Dörfler
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Category: Project
Description: A social-emotional learning programme for 9 to 12-year olds with focus on class climate and peer connectedness to support the primary-secondary school transition
This social-emotional learning programme was developed by the Research Group "Die offene Tür" (D.O.T.), funded by Ludwig Botzmann Society, Vienna, Austria and Karl Lansteiner University of Health Sciences, Krems, Austria in cooperation with the University College of Teacher Education in Lower Austria, Baden.
Following a participatory development process, school classes and their teachers were invo…
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