![Schematic of the experimental procedure][1]
Schematic of the stimuli and procedure for Experiments 1–6. In Experiment 1A (adults) and 4A (children), participants heard a novel noun label in labeling phrases applied ambiguously to a sample picture (Place condition: dome-shaped room with hexagon-shaped object; Object condition: dome-shaped background object and hexagon-shaped foreground object) and were asked to extend that noun either to place or object information in the place condition or to one of two types of object information in the object condition. In Experiments 1B (adults) and 4B (children), participants viewed the same sample picture and heard the same labeling phrases but were asked to extend that noun either to the test picture with isolated place information or the test picture with isolated object information in the place condition only. In Experiments 2 (adults) and 5 (children), participants saw the same sample and test stimuli but did not hear a novel noun applied to the sample picture; they were simply asked to find the one that matched. In Experiments 3 (adults) and 6 (children), participants saw the same stimuli but heard the novel noun in prepositional phrases headed by a novel preposition and were asked to extend that noun.
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/v46bu/providers/osfstorage/660b8ef3943bee0d6cdfebc6?mode=render