During a large lecture class (300+ students), we used a polling and live quiz tool called Socrative (www.socrative.com) to engage students in the lecture and test their knowledge on the topics covered.
The "Test your peer-review knowledge" exercise asked two questions of the class regarding peer-review:
1. What **don't** peer reviewers look for during the peer-review process?
2. In 2013, what percentage of scholarly articles submitted to Nature were actually published?*
Socrative allowed us, and the class, to see the students' anonymous answers and discuss them.
We then followed up this exercise with a Q&A session with the faculty in the room. Faculty answered a number of questions about their experience with the peer-review process, from both the reviewer and author perspective.
See [the questions and slide prompts][1] for more details.
*See [Nature's annual acceptance rates][2] on their website for this information.
[1]: https://osf.io/5fwmp/
[2]: https://www.nature.com/nature/for-authors/editorial-criteria-and-processes