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## ChiM ---------- The Chills in Music (ChiM) dataset contains, to our knowledge, all pieces of music which have been reported to elicit chills in the literature reviewed in [de Fleurian & Pearce (2021)][1]. ---------- ### Citation This dataset is associated with the following article, and can be cited as such: ###### de Fleurian, R., & Pearce, M. T. (2021). Chills in music: A systematic review. *Psychological Bulletin*, *147*(9), 890–920. doi: [10.1037/bul0000341][2] ---------- ### Version This OSF repository contains the dataset as submitted at the time of publication (v2.0.0). An up-to-date version is maintained on [this GitHub repository][3], for which contributions are highly encouraged. ---------- ### Data ChiM is available as a `.csv` file [here][4]. The variables are as follows: | Variable | Description | -------- | ----------- |`author` | Publication authors |`year` | Publication year |`doi` | Publication DOI (see *References* for `NA` values) |`mention_id` | Unique ID for each mention of a piece of music |`song_id` | Unique ID for each piece of music (see *Methods*) |`n_mentions` | Number of mentions in the dataset for each piece of music (see *Methods*) |`type` | Mention type (see *Methods*) |`artist` | Composer or performer |`title` | Title of the piece of music |`passage` | Specific passage mentioned in the publication |`chills` | Specific moment at which chills occurred |`notes` | Additional details ---------- ### Methods This dataset was prepared by compiling every mention of a piece of music reported to elicit chills in the literature reviewed in [de Fleurian & Pearce (2021)][5]. - **Inclusion criteria**: We only included pieces of music confirmed to elicit chills in at least one listener. As a result, some pieces of music mentioned in the literature were intentionally omitted, if occurrences of chills were not precisely assigned to individual pieces of music (e.g., [Mas-Herrero et al., 2014][6]), if no occurrences of chills were recorded for specific pieces of music (e.g., [Grewe et al., 2007][7]), or if chills occurred in response to stimuli combining music and other modalities (e.g., [Strick et al., 2015][8]). - **Sources**: Most mentions of pieces of music were included directly in the text or in the associated supplementary materials. For [Bannister & Eerola (2018)][9], data from the associated dataset ([Bannister & Eerola, 2017][10]) was also included. - **Mention type**: For the included pieces of music, the `type` variable describes whether a specific mention was an `anecdote` by the authors, a participant `report` of chills, an `empirical` verification of chills, or a `discussion` of prior results. - **Names**: Artist names and song titles were harmonised across publications, most often following a basic search on Google or Wikipedia. - **IDs**: Each mention of a piece of music was assigned a unique `mention_id`, and individual pieces of music were also assigned a unique `song_id` in order to easily identify the ones which are mentioned several times in the literature, as indicated by `n_mentions`. - **Duplicates**: Mentions of several movements from the same piece of music and otherwise duplicated mentions of pieces of music in the same publication were consolidated into a row with a single `mention_id`. - **Covers**: Different performances or covers of a piece of music were assigned to the original composer in the `artist` variable, and include some `notes` for further details about the performance. These pieces of music were assigned the same `song_id` with a distinct suffix (e.g., `s456a`, `s456b`, and `s456c`). - **Missing data**: Whenever a reasonable guess was possible, missing `artist` information was added. In other cases, missing information is indicated as `NA`. ---------- ### References #### Wiki ###### Bannister, S., & Eerola, T. (2017). Suppressing the chills: Self-reports, physiological and psychoacoustic correlates (V2). *Harvard Dataverse*. doi: [10.7910/dvn/iucn1q][11] ###### Bannister, S., & Eerola, T. (2018). Suppressing the chills: Effects of musical manipulation on the chills response. *Front. Psychol.*, *9*, 2046. doi: [10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02046][12] ###### de Fleurian, R., & Pearce, M. T. (2021). Chills in music: A systematic review. *Psychological Bulletin*, *147*(9), 890–920. doi: [10.1037/bul0000341][13] ###### Grewe, O., Nagel, F., Kopiez, R., & Altenmüller, E. (2007). 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