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Characterising the mechanisms underlying cognitive control in high and low arousal states
- Clara Alameda
- Chiara Avancini
- Daniel Sanabria
- Tristán Bekinschtein
- Andrés Canales-Johnson
- Luis F. Ciria
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Category: Project
Description: Throughout two different experiments, we implemented an auditory Simon task to healthy participants in a natural state of either transition into sleep (drowsiness) or physical extenuation (high-intensity physical exercise) to study the behavioural dynamics of cognitive control during non-pharmacological altered arousal states. Databases from both experiments were combined. Reaction times and accuracy data were fitted using multilevel linear mixed-effects modelling (as implemented in the lme4 R package; Bates et al., 2014). We also applied a diffusion model for conflict tasks (DMC; Ulrich et al., 2015), by implementing the DMCfun package in R (Mackenzie & Dudschig, 2021).