This repository includes analysis code and data accompanying [Tarhan & Konkle (2019), *BioRXiv*][1], published in the literature as [Tarhan & Konkle (2020), *Nature Communications*.][2]
The data include average feature ratings along 6 dimensions, along with computational Gist features, for all 120 videos included in the experiment. In addition, group and single-subject fMRI data are included as beta matrices. Finally, one key frame from each stimulus video is included for reference.
All analyses were conducted using Matlab 2017b, including the Parallel Computing and Bioinformatics toolboxes. It has been tested on the following operating systems: Windows 10, MacOS High Sierra version 10.13.4.
All known dependencies beyond these are compiled to a .zip file called "HelperFunctions."
To install this code, simply download the [MATLAB][2] software and this repository (estimated download time: less than 30 minutes).
To replicate our analysis, unzip HelperFunctions and run **"Step1-EncodingModelingAnalysis.m"** after editing the "user-specified options" at the head of the script. After running this code for both video sets, run **"Step2-VoxelTuningAnalysis.m,"** which groups voxels by the tuning properties extracted in Step1.
All paths within the main analysis scripts are relative to the script's saved location. Additional notes for running this code are in the analysis code files.