**OSM Building Classification**
This dataset provides a comprehensive dataset with the classification of 67,705,475 buildings across the United States into residential and non-residential categories. The classification uses an unsupervised approach based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. The dataset is divided into three main categories: Metropolitan Regions, Micropolitan Regions, and Other Regions. This dataset is intended to serve as a resource for the scientific community.
We changed the format of the files from shapefile to GPKG, contrary to the description in our arXiv preprint.
If you publish a scientific paper that uses this material, please cite the following:
Arruda HF, Reia SM, Ruan S, Atwal KS, Kavak H, Anderson T, Pfoser D. Extracting the U.S. building types from OpenStreetMap data. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.05692. 2024.