View the Shiny App here: [go here][1].
Notes on how to recreate our work:
- To recreate the manuscript, you will need to download the manuscript files folder and run the Rmarkdown within that folder (you can open this file with RStudio). The markdown includes the simulation code that created the files in the output folder.
- We suggest starting by searching for "library" within our document to install the proper libraries to match our markdown.
- All documents must be kept in the same folder for the markdown to run properly.
- Additionally, the manuscript PDF version requires the use of LaTeX, however, if you change line 46ish from: `output : papaja::apa6_pdf` to `output : papaja::apa6_word` you can create a word document version of our manuscript that does not require LaTeX to be installed.
- To run the interactive application to view the graphs oon your own computer, you should download the manuscript folder and run the app.R within that file. That file should open with RStudio and "Run App" will appear in the top right corner of the script window. This application should run as long as the app.R file is located within the same folder as the data files. You will need to have the shiny, ggplot2, DT, and reshape packages installed.