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Description: Part research outcomes from TIPD at TPDD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indigenous Peoples (, Taiwan. 2_Acknowledgement: The reserach outcomes are part of research outcomes from the research program "Research on Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples" (, which is mainly supported by Council of Indigenous Peoples in 2013-2022. The research is also granted by National Science and Technology Council, grant numbers: MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2. We appreciate some research grants from Academia Sinica. 3_誌謝:本計畫是"台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫" (TIPD, 部分成果,主要由原住民族委員會支援研究經費;國科會亦支持本計畫之相關計畫,計畫編號:MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2;我們亦感謝中研院支持部分研究經費。 4_連絡Contact E-mail: 為何是CopyLEFT/Why CopyLEFT: "CopyLEFT (L)" is an effective way of building mutual trust that leads to mutual understanding, collaboration, and innovation. "CopyLeft(L)"是促進互信的有效方式,其公開特質將進一步促進相互理解、協同合作、及創新。 語言/Languages: TIPD is bilingual in English and traditional Chinese TIPD以雙語資訊呈現,包括英文及繁體中文 資料來源引用 Citation of data source: If TIPD helps overcoming data & information constraints in your research & work, please kindly acknowledge TIPD's contribution. We will be highly encouraged! 如果TIPD對您研究工作有助益,請不吝引用或說明為研究資料來源,這對我們是另種形式鼓勵! 連絡方式及通報錯誤/Contact and report errata: E-mail: 電子郵件: 當代台灣原住民相關資料 Related Projects TIPs on OSF: 1. Lin, Ji-Ping, Ming-Cheng Lee, Hiu Ha Chong, Li-Chuan Liu, Kui Kasirisir, and HSIN-CHUNG WANG. 2024. “TIPD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/E4RVZ. 2. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TPDD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics Open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/UKJGS. 3. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TMDT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Multidimensional Table Data 台灣原住民族多維表資料庫.” OSF . May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/A23EC. 4. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contingency Tables 台灣原住民族基礎列聯表.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/9NRWD. 5. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Household Structure Open Data 台灣原住民族家戶結構基礎開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBWEK. 6. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICD: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ESW67. 7. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD: Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/RFE6P. 8. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHV: Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-Resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/V8ZK3. 9. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIMD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/6RPZ9. 10. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD on Google: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data Query System on Google 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫Google綜合查詢系統.” Google 11. Migration dynamics of hard-to-reach population in the context of regional inequality: Longitudinal research in Taiwan Introduction 當代台灣原住民相關資料: (1) Joint page on TIPD & TICD open data: (2) 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫 TIPD: (3) 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫 TICD: (4) 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統 Integrated Query System of TICD: (5) 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態 Migration Dynamics of TIPs: (6) 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落 High-resolution visualization of TIPs's population distribution, migration dynamics, traditional communities by ethnic groups: TICD 相關網址(TICD URLs): (1) 資料下載(download URLs) (a) TICD on OSF(Open Science Foundation)網址: (b) TICD via AS: (2) TICD查詢網址(query URLs) (a) TICD on Google: (b) original URL: INTRODUCTION: The data on population dynamics of Taiwan indigenous peoples (TIPs) is part of research outcomes from TIPD ( The data on population dynamics of Taiwan indigenous peoples (TIPs) is a comprehensive population dynamics data based on 2013-2012 monthly household register data. Its underlying fundamentals, methodology, and techniques lie in data science, Big Data, record linkage, geocoding, and high-performance scientific computing. Building this population dynamics data involves both deterministic and probabilistic record linkage methods. It consists of two broad categories: one is population dynamics data (open data) and the other genealogy data (non-open data). It is worth stressing that in-memory computing serves as a very crucial role in data construction. As noted, the computing tasks involve complex record linkage, including both deterministic and probabilistic record matching. This is particularly important, for example, while constructing micro genealogy data by record linkage between a master databank and reference databank through the links of parents’ names and spouse’s name. Computational process of constructing population dynamics archives to reduce unnecessary searches in the reference databank, the reference databank is sorted by the order of gender, family name, and given name. Furthermore, the sorted reference databank is indexed by a file that records information on the first row of record for each sequence of gender, family name, and given name in the sorted reference databank. Taking the construction of individual genealogy for example, the research matches each individual in the master databank with the reference databank, with respect to the individual father’s name, mother’s name, and spouse name. The record linkage between the master databank and the sorted reference databank is implemented by the following procedures: first, for any given individual record in the master databank, use information stored in 5 the index file to acquire the first row of information for the name to be matched in the sorted reference databank; second, use information retrieved from the index file to locate the first record in the sorted reference databank; third, search the name to be matched in the sorted reference databank; if the name to be matched is not unique in the sorted reference databank, we choose the record with the maximum likelihood as the person to be matched using information on age and ethnicity; fourth, pick up the matched individual record in the sorted reference databank and insert it at the end of the individual for matching in the master databank. To accelerate the construction of a micro databank of human relationships and kinship, the research takes advantage of in-memory high performance computing (HPC) techniques. The data enables us to conduct researches on birth dynamics, death dynamics, migration dynamics, life table, survival analysis, individual-level social network dynamics, etc. 簡介: 「台灣原住民人口動態資料庫」是2013至2022年間,進行原民會合作研究計畫最重要研究成果之一(參考。本研究資料庫是運用科學計算技術及資料科學學理,運用高效能及高精確巨量資料自動化資料錄連結及空間定位方法和技術,在保護隱私前提下,本人口動態(population dynamics)資料是目前全球唯一最完整且合乎學理要求所完成的人口動態貫時性資料(longitudinal data)。此人口動態資料允許我們能真正解構出生、死亡、遷徙三種互相影響複雜的人口動態過程,進行精準的”點對點”人口分布、出生動態、死亡動態、遷徙動態(包括初級、回流、及連續遷徒)、及相關社會網絡研究,允許對研究所謂”難以接觸人口“(例如台灣原住民),進行高度精準時空動態分析。利用本硏究人口動態資料,原住民詳細生命表資訊首次編製出來,對醫療、衞生、照護、保險、年金、健康不平等政策硏究,提供以前沒有之資訊及對決策產生重大影 響。


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