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Description: Cervical screening is a physically challenging procedure for many people. There is little research exploring the cervical screening experiences of physically Disabled people despite them being less likely to attend screening. This NIHR-funded research project (NIHR204322 aims to improve access to cervical screening for physically disabled people thus increasing early detection of cervical cell changes and reducing high-grade disease and associated invasive treatment and deaths from cervical cancer. This project has 5 work packages as follows: Work Package 1: (Underway) A systematic review following the Cochrane Rapid Review guidance, with the protocol registered with PROSPERO. Investigating problems and solutions to cervical screening for physically Disabled people that are identified in international research. Work Package 2: (Underway) An online survey will be conducted with 1500 physically Disabled people or people with a physical impairment, condition or difference that makes cervical screening challenging, to explore problems and potential solutions to cervical screening. Work Package 3: An online survey with 500 GPs and practice nurses to explore current practice and attitudes towards proposed solutions. Work Package 4: Thirty qualitative vignette-based interviews with 10 each of GPs, practice nurses and reception staff to explore attitudinal barriers and any issues that arose from work package 3. Work Package 5: Qualitative World-Café event to evaluate co-created recommendations based on work package 1-4 as well as patient-facing resources. Documents will be added to this project space as the project progresses.


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Poster IPVC 2024

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