These two files allow you to reproduce all the statistics reported in the paper.
The StatPaper.mat file contains a Matlab structure with different fields. Each field is a vector. All fields have the same length. The order of the elements are identical for each field. These are:
- D.GR= group number (1: Long_C1, 2: Switch_C1/C2, 3: Switch C2/C1, 4: Long_C2, 5: Short_C2)
- D.TN= Block number. The number of blocks differed across groups (see paper)
- D.SUB=subject number
- D.BiF = Bimanual non-desired Force measure (sum of forces exerted against the walls of the channel in the non-desired direction for both hands). Smaller number are associated with better performance.
- D.nBiF = normalized BiF measure (measure of BiF of block n divided by measure of BiF of block 1)
- D.EM = average distance between the hand and the middle of the circuit
- D.BiCo = Bimanual coordination index: minimum velocity between the vertical velocity of the left hand and the horizontal velocity of the right hand, normlized by the vectorial velocity of the cursor. Larger numbers are associated with better performance
- D.nBiCo = normalized BiCo measure (measure of BiCo of block n divided by measure of BiCo of block 1)
- D.EM = average distance between the hand and the middle of the circuit
- D.SAT= bimanual speed-accuracy trade-off index
- D.nSAT=normalized SAT measure
- D.VV=vectorial velocity of the cursor
The ProduceStat.m program allows you to obtain all the statistics of the tests used in the paper and two of the figures.