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Social Value of Time: The Intergroup Time Bias in Different Racial Relation Contexts *Abstract:* Previous research has identified an implicit discrimination process characterized by more investment of time when individuals evaluate ingroup than outgroup members, i.e., the Intergroup Time Bias (ITB). The current research goes further by proposing that ITB is sensitive to structural elements of racial contexts. Study 1 was conducted in Portugal and replicated previous results by showing that White participants invested more time evaluating White than Black targets. Study 2 was conducted in Luanda (Angola) and showed that Black participants did not discriminate against White people when investing their time in an impression information task. Study 3 meta-analyzed the ITB utilizing data from current and previous research and found more time invested in ingroup than outgroup targets, being this effect moderated by the racial structural context. That is, the ITB effect occurred in a context where White people is a numeric and symbolic majority (Portugal), but not in a context where Black people are a numeric majority, but not a clear symbolic majority (Angola). We discuss the meaning of time in social relations, system justification and social identity theories.
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