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Category: Communication

Description: Comprised of faculty, graduate students, researchers, and librarians at IU Indianapolis), the Community for Open Research and Education (CORE) is interested in fostering a campus culture that promotes transparency and openness in research and educational resources by building partnerships and advocating for education, training, resource development, and advocacy.

License: CC0 1.0 Universal


Welcome to the IUPUI Community for Open Research and Education OSF page!

Vision: University scholarship that is open by design.

Mission: To create a thriving open scholarly community at IUPUI through the cultivation of partnerships, education, training, resource development, and advocacy.

Values: Universalism, communality, scientific disinterestedness, and organized skepticism.


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Strategic Planning

Documents guiding the direction of the coalition

Recent Activity

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Brown Bag

Informal seminars hosted by the coalition on topics related to open science

Recent Activity

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Journal club to discuss papers, issues, and ideas related to open science.

Recent Activity

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Meeting Minutes

Summary of discussion at IUPUI Open Science Coalition Meetings

Recent Activity

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IUPUI Projects Using OSF

For links to other projects running at IUPUI that use OSF or other open-science policies.

Recent Activity

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Faculty/Student Projects Using OSF

For links to other projects run by individual faculty or students at IUPUI that use OSF or other open-science policies.

Recent Activity

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Recent Activity

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