Sign- The English gloss used in ASL-LEX.
Gender- The gender of the child (M = male, F = female).
Age- The age of the child in months.
SubjectNumber- A number uniquely identifying each participant.
MotherHearingStatus- Whether the child’s mother is deaf ( Y = deaf, N = hearing).
FatherHearingStatus- Whether the child’s father is deaf ( Y = deaf, N = hearing).
PrimaryLanguage- The child’s primary language (free report).
LexicalClass-The part of speech of the item as defined in ASL-LEX.
SignFrequency.Z.- The z-transformed frequency of the item as defined in ASL-LEX.
Iconicity.Z.- The z-transformed iconicity of the item as defined in ASL-LEX.
NeighborhoodDensity- The number of neighbors in ASL-LEX that share four or more of five coded phonological properties (selected fingers, major location, flexion, movement, and sign type) with the sign.
Acquired- Whether the child can produce the sign (Y = can produce, N = cannot produce).
CDIGloss-The English gloss used in the ASL-CDI.