# Checklist for Researchers
## Description
This [Checklist for Researchers](https://osf.io/awypt) is for use while writing a Data Management and Sharing Plan for NIH grant applications. It provides guide points to be addressed during the writing process and is based on the six required elements. For further guidance, consult the [Extended Reference for Data Management and Sharing Plan Checklist](https://osf.io/7wbd4).
## Contents
* [Checklist for Researchers](https://osf.io/awypt) - two-page checklist that concisely reviews the content that researchers should include in a DMS plan.
* [Extended Reference Guide](https://osf.io/7wbd4) - a lengthier document providing additional context for the requirements in the checklist
## Contributors
* Kelsey Badger, The Ohio State University, badger.60@osu.edu
* Hannah Calkins, Sage Bionetworks, hannah.calkins@sagebase.org
* Lucy Carr Jones, University of Virginia, lgc3t@virginia.edu
* Tess Grynoch, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, tess.grynoch@umassmed.edu
* Amy Koshoffer, University of Cincinnati, koshofae@ucmail.uc.edu
* Dani LaPreze, University of Louisville, dani.lapreze@louisville.edu
* Alex May, Oak Ridge National Lab, mayab@ornl.gov
* Christine Nieman, University of Maryland Baltimore, cnieman@hshsl.umaryland.edu
* Reid Otsuji, UC San Diego, rotsuji@ucsd.edu
* Lauren Phegley, University of Pennsylvania, lphegley@upenn.edu
* Hao Ye, University of Florida, haoye@ufl.edu
## Recommended Citation
Badger, K., Calkins, H., Carr Jones, L., Grynoch, T., Koshoffer, A., LaPreze, D., May, A., Nieman, C., Otsuji, R., Phegley, L., & Ye, H. (2022). *Data management and sharing plan checklist for researchers*. Working Group on NIH DMSP Guidance. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/UADXR