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Description: A closed-ended NOSI instrument was designed by a group of experts from the field of biology education and psychology. The developed questionnaire was constructed in reference with the seven previously mentioned NOSI aspects of Schwartz et al. (2008) and J. S. Lederman et al. (2014). It was decided to extend the testing instrument to include the additional aspect of Questionable Research Practices (QRPs), i.e. either fabrication or falsification of scientific data or results (Fiedler & Schwarz, 2016). With regards to the focus and utility of this NOSI testing instrument, it is important to acknowledge that some areas of NOSI are difficult to distinguish from each other and these sub-competences tend to overlap with some areas of NOS, too. The developed NOSI questionnaire consisted of 46 closed items, whereby respondents had to agree/disagree first with statements (true or false) and then subsequently rate their answer in a confidence rating (How confident are you that your answer is correct (in percent)? Answers: 0 = guessing, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 = absolutely certain). PLEASE CITE THIS DOCUMENT AS: Wacker, C. C., Barth, M., Stahl, C., & Schlüter, K. (2020). NOSI Questionnaire. Retrieved from (In accordance with the APA citation style).


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