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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Ranjit Singha

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT There are weaknesses in every system; such liability exists in NEP2020. This policy should have a focus on the mandatory requirement of a Counsellor in every school, The Counsellor should not be termed as a teacher or health care educator, a counsellor should not be bought within the nomenclature of teacher, and the requirement of Teacher designation should not be added upon the counsellor role Such as Bed, or DEd, TET and CTET. The counsellor should not be assigned a dual role because of the nature of the job and the sensitivity of the situation. There should be 100% TOC, and any school, college, the University must not take less documentation like no TC, no migration, or Original document. Person remark should not be made on the scorecard, certificate, hall ticket/admit card, or ID card, which include character, attendance, Caste, Religion, and gender During the process of admission or any administrative work during the process of Education, the relaxation must be made regarding the father's name and mother's name, Guardian name, or local guardian's name It can be optional; the child's Religion/Gender/cast can be kept blank or optional. Keywords: National education policy 2020, Education,


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