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  1. Konstantinos Tsilidis

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Category: Project

Description: The aim of the Global Cancer Update Programme (CUP Global), formerly known as the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research Continuous Update Project (WCRF/AICR-CUP) is to regularly review the epidemiological evidence on the role of diet, nutrition and physical activity on cancer prevention and survival, by conducting updated systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses. We summarise and critically appraise relevant research findings and assess the quality of the evidence that contributes to the evidence base that is evaluated and judged by the independent Expert Panel for the development of guidelines and public health policy for cancer prevention and survival


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Global Cancer Update Programme Protocol for the data collection and systematic literature reviews on the role of diet, body fatness and physical activity on survival after colorectal cancer.

Chan, Tsilidis, Tomas & 8 more
The protocol for the systematic collection of the epidemiologic and clinical evidence of the relationships of diet, body fatness and physical activity...

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Global Cancer Update Programme Protocol for the data collection and systematic literature reviews on the role of diet, anthropometric factors, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour on health-related quality of life and cancer-related fatigue after diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Chan, Tsilidis, Markozannes & 8 more
The protocol for the systematic collection of the epidemiologic and clinical evidence of the relationships of diet, anthropometric factors, physical a...

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