**Abstract:** Comprehenders incrementally predict the unfolding of the sentence based on
different motivations - syntactic licensing, rapid semantic integration, or
alignment with pragmatic preferences. Is predictive structure building
different when it is motivated by syntactic vs. pragmatic considerations?
We present a mixture-model analysis of previous results which provides
support to the assumption that pragmatic and syntactic dependencies are
predicted in similar rate but incur different reanalysis costs. In
addition, in a new experiment we exhibit that the interpretation of a
reanalyzed pragmatic dependency does not persist to the same degree as in
syntactic dependencies.
**Want to read more?** This study follows up on our recent paper:
*The effects of syntactic pressures and pragmatic considerations on predictive dependency formation*
Paper: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23273798.2019.1650946
Data&code: https://osf.io/9xb2y/