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An introduction to corpus building, corpus analysis, and AI-supported language pattern discovery
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Category: Project
Description: The corpus approach is a powerful method for discovering salient linguistic features, frequently occurring language patterns, and rare uses of words and phrases in target texts. However, making these discoveries requires researchers, teachers, and learners to correctly follow a series of linked steps that can sometimes be confusing or confounding to those new to the method. In this interactive workshop, I will guide participants as they learn to build relevant and useful corpus datasets for their needs, tag these datasets for parts of speech (POS), analyze the data to identify the occurrence or absence of target language patterns, and then integrate these methods with powerful AI tools, to develop a highly nuanced, context dependent understanding of discipline specific language use. Participants are welcome to listen to the explanations, watch the demonstrations, and then try out the techniques and strategies later, or bring their own computers to the workshop and follow along as the workshop proceeds. The workshop will make use of AntConc (version 4.3.0) and TagAnt (version 2.1.1). Participants wanting to use their own computers during the workshop are recommended to download the software before the start.
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