Code and data corresponding to the manuscript "Locus coeruleus integrity and the effect of atomoxetine on response inhibition in Parkinson's disease", currently in press at *Brain* This repository is organised as follows:
* `analysis.R` is the main analysis script that reproduces the results and figures from the manuscript.
* `fit_exgSS.R` is an R script that uses the [DMC toolbox]( to fit the ex-Gaussian race model to stop-signal task data.
* `postprocessing_exgSS.R` is an R script that evaluates the output from `fit_exgSS.R` in terms of convergence and goodness-of-fit, and extracts the MCMC samples for further analysis in `analysis.R`.
* `functions` is a folder of R functions that are called upon by the `analysis.R` script for specific analyses or plots.
* `output` contains datafiles, and is the output directory for plots and model fits.