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  1. Daniel Meinsma

Date created: 2021-10-14 12:35 PM | Last Updated: 2024-03-01 10:25 AM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/TR6VY

Category: Project

Description: To better understand the decision making process of offenders in cyberspace and the individual factors associated with it, this project examines the relationship between individual hacking expertise and hacking efficiency. Here we link the various outputs of the paper "Criminal Expertise and Hacking Efficiency", published in Computers in Human Behavior.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

Has supplemental materials for Criminal Expertise and Hacking Efficiency on OSF Preprints


The Version of Record of the paper is available online at:


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Hacker Mobility in Cyberspace and the Least Effort Principle: Examining Efficiency in the Journey to Cybercrime | Registered: 2022-04-28 10:04 UTC

Moneva, Ruiter & Meinsma
This paper examines the least effort principle in the journey to cybercrime. We adapt this principle to cyberspace under the assumption that hackers a...

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Moneva, Ruiter & Meinsma
The data used in the paper "Criminal Expertise and Hacking Efficiency"

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criminal decision-makingcyber kill chainexpertise paradigmhackingsequence analysis

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