# Replication Materials for 'Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trade: A Reexamination'
#### Sascha Füllbrunn, Christoph Huber, Catherine Eckel, Utz Weitzel
This repository contains the replication materials -- i.e., the data and code -- for the manuscript 'Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trade: A Reexamination'.
#### Content
- `RawData` contains the raw data files for each of the seven considered studies
- `00_Data_Preparation` contains the code to prepare the full data set which includes the merged and arranged data from all seven individual studies considered
- `01_Analysis` contains the code to replicate all analyses, tables, and figures
- `00FullData.dta` contains the full data set which includes the merged and arranged data from all seven individual studies considered as prepared in `00_Data_Preparation` and used in `01_Analysis`
All analyses were conducted with Stata MP, version 15.1.
`00_Data_Preparation` and `01_Analysis`, which contain the Stata code, are provided as raw `.do` files to be opened in Stata and as Jupyter notbooks containing the identical code (`.ipynb` and `.html` files).
Opening the `.ipynb` files on OSF or opening the `.html` files in any browser will show the rendered notebooks.
The notebooks use the Jupyter kernel for Stata (https://kylebarron.dev/stata_kernel/).