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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Zahoora D. Hamdule, BA ...une, Maharashtra, India

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT: “And just because you have colleges and universities doesn't mean you have an education,” said Malcolm X. As stated, having colleges and universities is not enough. It is essential to have an education system that covers all the needs of the global education standards. Well, this article throws light on the controversial National Education Policy 2020. It takes you through previous policies and their drawbacks. It also looks over the education systems of other countries and compares it with the prior Indian policy. The article examines the theoretical and practical perspective of education and tries to explain the equal importance of India. It also helps decipher the NEP 2020, its positive sides, and its criticisms. Hence, the topic of discussion here is National Education Policy 2020 - Are we on the same page with the developed countries? Key-words: National Education Policy 2020, functions, criticisms.


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