## Experimental Materials ##
**Please download materials before printing them, otherwise they will not format correctly.**
This folder contains a list of the statements used in Experiment 1a and 1b, along with their associated characteristics.
**Experiment 1a**
This folder contains:
- experimenter instructions
- study information sheet
- the two sets (A and B) of paper-and-pencil materials used for the lab study both in the UK and USA
- prize drawer contact sheet
- debriefs
- raw data entry files
- details of the additional, unrelated tasks completed by USA participants following completion of tasks for this study
**Experiment 1b**
This folder contains:
- the Qualtrics scripts used for the online study both in the UK and USA. Note that script is for content information only.
- to see how the experiments are formatted, you can access the [UK survey][1] and [USA survey][2].
Materials piloting, statement verification, coding
Before conducting the study, we following the same procedures used by Hansen & Wanke (2010) to ensure that the concrete versions of the statements were seen as more concrete than were the abstract ones.
We combined all trivia items into a single set of 78 (52 original + 18 USA-specific items + 8 Britain-specific items), and then created two sets of 78 items (set A and set B) so that the concrete and abstract version of each item appeared in different sets.
Four student raters (2 for set A and 2 for set B), who were blind to the experimental hypothesis were briefly trained using the materials in this folder. They then independently coded each item as per the "[CoderInstructions][3]" document (see also [this explanation][4]).
[1]: https://bit.ly/2NrUKmc
[2]: https://bit.ly/2PLgrPF
[3]: https://osf.io/pm3gx/
[4]: https://osf.io/kbq3h/