This project contains supplementary material to the paper:
Hohol, M., Wołoszyn, K., & Cipora, K. (2022). No fingers, no SNARC? Neither the finger counting starting hand, nor its stability robustly affect the SNARC effect. *Acta Psychologica*, *230*, 103765.
It contains:
- A copy of the as.predicted preregistration document
- Finger counting questionnaire - original version in Polish
- Finger counting questionnaire - English translation
- Data analysis script allowing to reproduce the analysis reported in the paper from the aggregated datafile
- Aggregarted datafile
- Folder containing: (a) raw datafiles; (b) r script for aggregating the data and calculatign the SNARC; (c) script for calculating the reliability of the SNARC effect
The experimental procedure is available at
Additionally, we share a poster presenting this work on the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society conference in Antwerp, Belgium, 2022.