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Category: Project

Description: This is the main data repository of the ERC-StG project ExoAI. All data and code resulting from the ExoAI project directly will be archived here.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


The ExoAI project develops machine and deep learning approaches to analysing Exoplanet and Solar System data. For more information on the project and the people involved, please go to the

ExoAI Homepage

Here you find all data products and codes used and developed for the ExoAI project.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 20…


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TauREx data

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A population study of gaseous exoplanets

Tsiaras, Waldmann, Zingales & 8 more
Data to the paper available at

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Training data and code (as of publication date) of the ExoGAN network.

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Code and data repository for PlanetNet

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Direct Imaging

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Integrating light-curve and atmospheric modelling of transiting exoplanets

Figures and plots generated for the paper titled "Integrating light-curve and atmospheric modelling of transiting exoplanets"

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AtmospheresDeep LearningERCEuropean Research CouncilExoAIExoplanetsMachine Learning

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