This workshop is part of the [Reproducible Research Training][1] offered through the Center for Open Science. [Additional materials][2], including our recorded [OSF 101 webinar][3] are available online.
The workshop is three hours long and generally given in-person at a hosting university or research facility. The normal audience is either researchers who are entirely new to issues of openness and reproducibility in research or those who have a general awareness of the issues and are looking for some concrete first steps to address them in their own research. Researchers can be at any career level and do not need programming skills or knowledge of any particular software tools. We introduce and use [OSF]( during the workshop but no previous experience with it is expected.
The workshop presentation is available as an Open Document Presentation ([odp file][4]) or as ([pdf][5]) or ([pptx][6]).
Researchers who have previous experience with OSF and who are looking for information about some of the more advanced features that are appropriate to running a full lab using OSF or using it to manage large multi-site projects, should consider our [intermediate workshop]( This introductory workshop and the intermediate one work well together as a full day event for institutions looking to give their researchers a more in-depth introduction to these tools and topics.