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Jamovi for Intro Stats: Instructor Site -- Climate Change Data
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Category: Project
Description: Overview: This site contains a series of 10 free Jamovi assignments, which teach students how to complete the analyses covered in introductory statistics courses. The assignments, data, scoring keys, and instructions are given here. The assignments and data by themselves are given on the student site. These 10 Jamovi assignments teach students how to complete the analyses covered in introductory statistics courses. In these assignments, students implement the ideas they have seen in videos or textbooks, from the basics of opening data files to the complexities of creating a professional conference poster. These assignments use real data from 500 participants, allowing detailed frequency tables and scatterplots, filtering, and subgroup analyses. At the beginning of each assignment, students are given links to short videos ( and written descriptions ( Therefore, no prior knowledge of Jamovi is required. Moreover, each assignment is designed to stand alone, so they may be used in any order. The order we use for our course is as follows: (1) Introduction to Jamovi (2) Graphs in Jamovi (3) Descriptive Statistics in Jamovi (4) Subgroups in Jamovi (5) Transforming Data in Jamovi (6) One Sample t-test in Jamovi (7) Independent Samples in Jamovi and Writing a Research Report (8) Paired Samples in Jamovi (9) Power in Jamovi (uses jpower module) (10) Correlation in Jamovi and Conference Poster Most assignments take 30-60 minutes to complete, including the time to watch the videos or to read the written explanations. However, Independent Samples in Jamovi requires students to summarize their findings in a research paper and takes 1 to 2 hours. Additionally, Correlation in Jamovi and Conference Poster requires students to create a research poster on one of three topics and takes 2 to 3 hours. Each assignment comes with a key to score student submissions. These keys have been used by both graduate and undergraduate teaching assistants. Because the keys are clear and concise, they can be used to provide specific feedback to students, which increases student learning and minimizes student questions about grades. Each assignment also has an accompanying “Instructions for Instructors” document, which explains how we have successfully used these assignments and provides tips for ease of use. The assignments, data, scoring keys, and instructions are given on the Open Science Framework: This is the Instructor site, which contains instructions for instructors, scoring keys, and links to assignments and data. The student site contains just the assignments and data.