This is the Wiki for a research project that used the Conflict Linear Ballistic Accumulator model (Conflict LBA: Heathcote, Hannah & Matzke, currently under review), an adaptation of the LBA (Brown & Heathcote, 2008) that explains performance on conflict paradigms, to assess mechanisms of methylphenidate effects on Multi-Source Interference Task (MSIT: Bush & Shin, 2006) performance. The goals of this project were to 1) test whether previous findings that methylphenidate alters evidence accumulation rates, response thresholds and non-decision times can be extended to conflict tasks, and 2) test whether methylphenidate also affected bottom-up priming processes, top-down interference control processes, or both.
All analysis code is in the R language and requires functions from Dynamic Models of Choice (DMC: Heathcote et al., 2018: to be loaded into the R environment. The CLBA_Methylphenidate_ReadMe file contains more detailed descriptions of each analysis script and data file.