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**NEXT MEETINGS** **Once a month, on Fridays ; 10:30 - 12 am** *Location: in person at the NeuroCampus building (room F28) and through Zoom (ask for the link).* * **Sept. 13th, 2024 #43** TBA * **Oct. 11th, 2024 #44** TBA * **Nov. 15th, 2024 #45** TBA * **Dec. 13th, 2024 #46** TBA * **Jan. 17th, 2025 #47** Half-day of practical session dedicated to new students * **Feb 21st, 2025 #48** TBA * **March 14th, 2025 #49 [Dr Cyril Pernet][1]** (Copenhagen, Denmark) will give a talk about data sharing. * **April 3-4, 2025: National reproducible research days ([][2])** * **May 23rd, 2025 #50** TBA * **June 27th, 2025 #51** TBA ---------- **PAST MEETINGS** **42) "How we are trying to combine cognitive models and model-based fMRI with network approaches. First steps"** by Nils Kolling (SBRI) (06/2024). **41) "Exploration de la connectivité fonctionnelle via l'analyse de l'expression de c-Fos+"** by Théo Brunel (CRNL NeuroPop team) & **"Overview of the resources on data management at the CRNL"** by Lesly Fornoni (CRNL) (04/2024). **40) Presentation of an fMRI protocol for feedbacks** (Luca Fantin, NeuroPop team, CRNL), **a [journal club][3]** (Philippe Litaudon, CMO team, CRNL) & **proposal of a methodological ethics application for CRNL teams** (Gaëlle Leroux, CRNL) (03/2024). **39) Hands-on session dedicated to newcomers @CRNL using neuroImaging tools** (02/2024). **38) Naturalistic paradigms in fmri"** presented by Anastasios Dadiotis (CRNL, PhD student at PSYR2 team) ; **"2 software to optimize an fMRI design"** presented by Laure Fivel (CRNL, PhD student at PSYR2 team) and **VisualStudio Code software** presented by Nicolas Fourcaud-Trocmé (CRNL, researcher at CMO team, 01/2024). **37) "How do we learn that 2 + 3 = 5? Behavioral and neural evidence for procedural automatization of arithmetic during development"** presented by Jérôme Prado (CRNL, EDUWELL team, 12/2023) **36) Nilearn tutorial for individual stat analysis** presented by Kenza BENLAMLIH (CRNL, IMPACT team, 11/2023). **35) BIDS & BIDs-stat-model** presented by Rémi Gau (Brussels, Belgium, 10/2023) **34) PET-MRI study of patients with brain injury** presented by Maude Beaudoin-Gobert (CAP team, CRNL, 09/2023) **33) Relationship between motor and language learning in young adults using fMRI** presented by Claudio Brozzoli (IMPACT team, CRNL, 06/2023) **32) Joshua Gobe** (BIORAN team, CRNL) + **Benjamin Pasquereau** (ISC) presenting his project entitled "**Neuroimaging the modulation of tic inhibition in Tourette Syndrome**" **31) Discussion about fMRI results** by Siloé Corvin & Isabelle Faillenot (NEUROPAIN team, CRNL), **code to automatically download XNAT ID to be processed** by Gabriel Grafgagnino, **a journal Club** by Gaëlle Leroux (CNRL) (05/2023) **30) Presentation of the PET-MRI platform at in Lyon** by Inés Merida & Nicolas Costes (Cermep). (04/2023) **29) Discussions about the Club + feed-back from other intiatives** (03/2023) **28) Brain signatures / neuromarkers: predicting mental states and behavior based on distributed brain activity** by Leonie Koban (SOCIALHEALTH team, CRNL, 02/2023) **27) Journal club on the special issue "Brain Connectivity" in Science Nov. 22** by Gaëlle Leroux (12/2022). **26) "Deep Learning for Quantitative Analysis of Brain MRI"** by [Pierrick Coupé, PhD][4], [Pictura research group][5], LaBRI lab in Bordeaux (11/2022). Video of the presentation has been recorded. **--) CRNL InterClubs morning meeting** (10/2022) **25) Questions/answers between participants + planning the next meetings** (09/2022). A Google agenda of the meetings is now proposed. Please ask for it if you didn't received it. **24) Useful tools presented by members**: 1) BRKraw to convert bruker MRI images in BIDS format ; 2) cerebral atlas of Mai ; 3) image viewer Mango; image de-identification DeID ; 4) fMRIprep vs SPM comparison and 5) multimodality statistics at voxels level VoxelStat (06/2022) **23) MRI quality control & fMRI noise correction with physiological recordings** by Hasnae Agouram (M2R internship, Service commun soutien en imagerie) (05/2022) **22) "SOURIPSY : Source-monitoring processes and risk for psychosis"** by Mélanie Perret (PhD student, PSYR2 team) (04/2022) **21) "Structural brain MRI"** by Hervé Lemaître (IMN, Bordeaux ; 03/2022) **20) "User-experience on task design in an fMRI study - a food-related neuroimaging study exemple"** by Élise Météreau (01/2022) **19) "Recommendations for resting state fMRI" from a sub-group of the [REMI][5] network** (12/2021) **18) Open science initiatives for neuroimaging** (11/2021) by Gaëlle Leroux **17) Bayesian statistics applied to neuroimaging datasets** (10/2021) by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) **16) Brainstorming to plan 2021-2022 meetings** (09/2021) **15) Debriefing about the Bayesian statistics + feedback about from OHBM conference in June 2021** (07/2021) by Gaëlle Leroux **14) Bayesian statistics** (06/2021) by Françoise Lecaignard (Cophy team) and Jérémie Mattout (Cophy team) **13) Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA): user experiences** (05/2021) by Emiliano Macaluso (ImpAct team) and Tomoya Nakai (Eduwell team) **12) The technical setup at the 3T MR scanner “Primage” at the Cermep. Examples of 3 extra-ordinary protocols from CRNL teams** (04/2021) by Leslie Tricoche (ImpAct team), Philippe Litaudon (CMO team) & Cléa Girard (Eduwell team). **11) Functional and effective connectivity in neuroimaging: an introduction to DCM** (03/2021) by Jean Daunizeau & Cécile Gallea (CENIR courses). **10) Pre-registration (projects, internships, etc.): What? Why? How?** (02/2021) by Justine Épinat-Duclos (Trajectoires team & Service commun Soutien méthodo en neuroimagerie), Nicola Kuczewski (NeuroPop team) and Cléa Girard (Eduwell team) **9) Git and GitLab for dummies** (01/2021) by Florian Sipp (Eduwell team) and Benjamin Bontemps (Eduwell team). A dedicated wiki page for GIT has also been published by Alexandra Corneyllie (for CRNL members only). **8) fMRIPrep** (12/2020) by Simon Thibault (ImpAct team), Maciek Szul (Cophy team), Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux. **7) BIDS & MRIQC** (11/2020) by Simon Thibault (ImpAct team), Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux. **6) Journal club** (09/2020) *Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams* by Botvinik-Nezer et al. Nature May 2020 by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux *What is the test-retest reliability of common task-functional MRI measures? New empirical evidence and a meta-Analysis* by Elliott et al. Psychol Sci July 2020 presented by Guillaume Sescousse (PSyR2 team) **5) Data management tools at the CRNL: XNAT demo** (01/2020) by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux **4) Data management tools at the CRNL: XNAT and BIDS** (10/2019) by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux thanks to Franck Lamberton (Cermep), Arnaud Fournel (Neuropop team) and the whole IT team of the CRNL - Pierre-Emmanuel Aguerra, Thibaut Woog and Hervé Hugueney. **3) Share your fMRI preprocessing pipeline, and your questions!** (07/2019) by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux **2) Visualisation and localization of fMRI results** (06/2019) by Isabelle Faillenot (NeuroPain team) and Gaëlle Leroux. **1) After a long pause, the Neuro-Imaging club is back!** (05/2019) Presentation of Gaëlle Leroux who's joined the CRNL in March dedicated to the Methodological support for imaging projects. We've been through potential topics for next meetings ranging from advantages and drawbacks of MRI sequences, round table of the visualization software, GIT, BIDS presentation and slides from SPM courses, Bayesian statistical methods, as a start… Let's go! [4]: [5]: [1]: [1]: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5rt-bio [4]:
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