# GeoAR: Geographic-Aware Augmented Reality
This repository stores the evaluation data and anlalysis of the of the Geographic-Aware Augmented Reality framework.
R scripts here are the ones used to generate Figures 9, 10, and 11 and tables 2 and 3.
The GeoARResultAnalysis.html file facilitates the reading and reproduction of the original script.
## Files
- geoar_data.RDS : data frame in R Data format
- geoar_data.csv: data frame in CSV format
- GeoARResultAnalysis.html: Markdown format of the data analysis using R scripts
- Data.csv source input data
- scriptGeoARAnalysis: original R script
## Data description
- Area: tested enviromental area
- Calibration: calibration square size
- Point: Grid target point id
- Distance: referece target distance from origin (p0)
- GT_East, GT_North : Target coordinates (EPSG:31256)
- East, NORTH : measured coordinates (EPSG:31256)