*mIEG_outcomes* contains all variables and corresponding values extracted for the meta-analysis and systematic review. Notes:
- The first sheet of the workbook information on the meaning of each variable, how it was extracted and how to decode its values.
- The remaining three sheets are nested and refer to each other by using nested identifiers (following in **bold**). More specifically, each **ID** in the 'publications' sheet contains one ore more **nests** in the experiment sheet (i.e., group of animals), which in turn contains one or more experiments (**each**).
*mIEG_webplotdigitizer* contains individual datapoints extracted from graphs of publications in which results were not reported numerically. Each sheet contains datapoints from a single study, with the sheet name corresponding to the vairbale **ID** in *mIEG outcomes*.
Within each sheet, **each** corresponds to **each** experiment in *mIEG_outcomes*. For each experiment, the average (avgC - control; avgE - experimental) and height of errorbar (varBarC - control; varBarE - experimental) was extracted, such subtracting the mean from the height of the errorbar will reveal the variance estimate (varC - control; varE - experimental).