**Research Firsts Exhibition: Image and accompanying text by David Archibald**
![motion blurred photograph of a bicycle traveling almost horizontally around the wooden walls of a circular room][1]
The University of Glasgow hosted what we believe to be the first ever
University-sponsored wall of death ride at The Revelator. Built by Stephen Skrynka and a team of volunteers, The Revelator is a unique arts space, and a fully functioning wall of death.
In June 2023, The Revelator’s researcher-in-residence, David Archibald, and Stephen Skrynka organised ‘Thanopticon: Looking Death in the Eye’, a theatricalised symposium comprising lightning talks, performances and song. The event also included Stephen riding the wall of death, and a closing life- affirming discussion on how artists and academics deal with living, and dying.
[1]: https://mfr.osf.io/export?url=https://osf.io/download/fb5va/?direct=&mode=render&format=2400x2400.jpeg