**Multiple burdens under COVID-19: home office and domestic work**
By means of an online questionnaire, we collected data on multiple burdens during the strict restrictions while the COVID-19 crisis in Austria (n = 1,222). One of them is the increased amount of unpaid work that had to be done, especially in couple households with children, as private and institutional care services suddenly ceased to be available. As usually done in time use surveys, we asked people to report time-use on their last working day in intervals of 15 minutes. Uniquely, the dataset includes information on own and partners' time-use during the lockdown. Also, it allows to study the change in the distribution of household work and childcare as compared to before the lockdown.
File description:
data_clean.RData contains the anonymised raw data
sub_clean.Rnd is the data files used for the paper "Home, sweet home? The impact of working from home on the division of unpaid work during the COVID-19 lockdown"