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In one of our two folders, we provide full experimental materials for each of our experiments (except for Study 4; for full Study 4 methodological details and materials, see All experiments were conducted using qualtrics survey software. For each experiment, we have included the .qsf file for the survey, which can be uploaded to qualtrics, as well as a PDF from the "print survey" feature on qualtrics. This PDF shows all elements of the survey as they were shown to participants; however, in cases where materials vary by experimental condition, we show all condition versions without specifying which element corresponds to which condition. Thus, to gain a full understanding of the experimental conditions, survey flow, randomization, etc, please upload the .qsf files to qualtrics. We also note that these are "cleaned up" versions of our surveys in which we have removed the consent form, as well as the screen in which subjects receive payment information. Finally, we note that many of our survey questions used sliding scales. These did not display properly in the qualtrics "print survey" option. To see how they actually looked to participants, either upload the .qsf files to qualtrics or see SI Section 3 of our paper. In the second of our two folders, we provide data and scripts to reproduce our analyses. For our main experiments (Studies 1-3), we include both raw data (excluding Mturk IDs, IP addresses, and zip codes for anonymity), a script to clean these raw data, the resulting clean dataset with data from both studies, and a script to analyze these clean data.
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