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This project contains additional information for our stage 3 confirmatory report. The files in **Results Appendices** include information on our analyses together with our results: - **RA1_DescRelAdd_Analyses.hmtl**: Descriptives, Reliabilities, and Additional Analyses - **RA2_Main_Analyses.hmtl**: Main Preregistered Analyses - **RA3_Exploratory_Analyses.hmtl**: Preregistered Exploratory Analyses All variables used in these files are described in **BrohmerHofer_Variables_2024.docx**. The files were created via RMarkdown-code. They can be reproduced with the files included in the .zip-Folder **GM_R**. To do so, please follow these instructions: 1. Open the RProject **GM_R.Rproj** in RStudio - the project contains the necessary data in **/Data**, additional results in **/Results**, and code as **.Rmd**-files 2. Open the .Rmd files and knit them. They should automatically access the data without you changing the paths. Please find links **to related components** created before this submission below: - Supplemental Materials 1: - Supplemental Materials 2: - Supplemental Materials 3: - Stage 1/2 (pre data collection) manuscript: - Alternative data storage via ZPID:
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