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Brohmer et al. IRSP Submission /
Stage 3 (post data collection)
- Hilmar Brohmer
- Gabriela Hofer
- Ursula Athenstaedt
- Wilken Wehrt
- Sabine Sczesny
- Hannah Metzler
- Kathleen Otto
- Freya M. Gruber
- Smirna Malkoc
- Jana Berkessel
- Julia Beitner
- Rima-Maria Rahal
- Sebastian A. Bauch
- Emanuel Jauk
- David Garcia
- Hanna M. Mües
- Dagmar Stahlberg
- Mona Salwender
- Katja Corcoran
- Fiorina Giuliani
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Category: Communication
Description: This component includes our final analysis codes and results and additional information for the Stage 3 submission
This project contains additional information for our stage 3 confirmatory report.
The files in Results Appendices include information on our analyses together with our results:
- RA1_DescRelAdd_Analyses.hmtl: Descriptives, Reliabilities, and Additional Analyses
- RA2_Main_Analyses.hmtl: Main Preregistered Analyses
- RA3_Exploratory_Analyses.hmtl: Preregistered Exploratory Analyses
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