Implementation Details
This page describes how our lab implemented the procedures required by the official protocol for the RRR. It also describes and justifies any additions to or departures from that protocol. You can view the official protocl and the main project page for this RRR using these links:
- Official Protocol: [][1]
- Main RRR project page: [][2]
#### Experimenters ####
The team consists of Laurent Bègue, a full professor of social psychology with extensive experience in conducting laboratory experiments (papers published in Psychological Bulletin, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Journal of Personality); Tei Laine, a researcher with PhD in computer science and cognitive science who has experience in designing and implementing experimental software for psychology and economics experiments in a laboratory, and running experiments online (e.g., using Qualtrics and Amazon MTurk); Oulmann Zerhouni, a Ph.D. student, and Anthony Herrero, a Master’s student research assistant, both of whom have experience in designing and administering experiments online or in the laboratory. The professor and the students are native French speakers.
#### Setting/Lab/Equipment ####
The experiment will be conducted in a meeting room with 12 participants at a time. The participants will be seated around a large oval table in front of a laptop computer with wooden divisions between them to obstruct the view to their screens. The room can be configured so that the experimenter cannot see the participants’ screens.
We will use HP ProBook 650 laptops running Microsoft Windows 7 Pro w/ Microsoft 8.1 Pro French License.
#### Sample, subjects, and randomization ####
**Target sample size:**
Given that we are planning to run the experiments with sets of 12 participants, our target sample size is 204.
**Target sample demographics:**
The participants will be undergraduate students at University of Grenoble, aged 18-30, and French nationals or French speaking international students. They will be paid in cash immediately after the experiment. Since the purchasing power in France is 5-15% lower than in the USA (depending on the state and the city), we use the same amounts in euros as the official protocol in US dollars: 5 euros for a show-up fee and 4-10 euros based on the group members' contributions in the experiment.
**Minimum sample size after exclusions:**
Our minimum sample size is 150, 75 in both conditions.
**Stopping rule(s):**
We will schedule 17 sessions of 12 participants, for a total of 204 participants. If, after testing is completed, we have at least 75 participants in each condition after exclusions, we will stop testing. If we have fewer than 75 in either condition, we will test additional sessions with 12 participants until we have at least 75 usable participants in each condition.
**Randomization to conditions:**
Participants will be randomly assigned to conditions by the provided Qualtrics Script.
**Blinding to conditions:**
The participants will be seated in front of laptops, and the only instructions they can see are on their own screen.
**Exclusion rules:**
We will be using the same exclusion rules required by the official protocol.
**Procedures for handling testing sessions for which the number of participants is not a multiple of 4:**
In order to deal with participants not showing up in multiples of 4 in any of the sessions, we overbook sessions by inviting a couple of extra participants. In case we have more than 12 participants (or not a multiple of 4), we randomly choose the "extra" participants we send home with the show-up fee.
#### Software/Code ####
We will be using the provided Qualtrics script with the instructions and the questions translated to French. The original Qualtrics script works in our laboratory.
#### Differences from the official protocol ####
We are not planning any additions to or departures from the official protocol of the replication study itself. However, the participant have an option to register to another experiment that is run immediately after the replication study. In this experiment the participants will have to (i) go through an ego-depletion induction (ii) watch a 10-minutes long exerpt of a sport event and (iii) answer to a lexical decision task and an affect misattribution procedure. This experiment will be completely separate and independent from the replication study, and the participants will be compensated separately. Since it is conducted after the replication study and no information about this additional study is given to the participants before the replication study (other than there is going to be another task, if they signed up for it; the participants can sign up for the replications study, the other experiment, or both), it is not expected to have any effect of the primary task and measures. This other experiment will take 30-45 minutes to complete.
#### Translation ####
Our research assistant translated the original experimental material to French. The back translation from French to English was done by a native English speaking professional translator David Bailey at SETS ( Our team met with the translator to resolve any discrepancies between the original English and the back-translated version, and found very few and mostly stylistic differences.