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Category: Project
Description: This is the OSF project accompanying the article "German demonstrative pronouns differ in their sensitivity to discourse and sentence topics" by Timo Buchholz and Klaus von Heusinger, submitted to Frontiers in Communication. This project contains the data and R scripts for all four experiments described in the paper. The scripts are provided in R Markdown format and their html output. To rerun our analyses, as explained in the markdowns, please create a folder per experiment, which again contains three folders "scripts", "data", and "figures". Place the corresponding .csv file with the data in the "data" folder and the R markdown file in the "scripts" folder and run it from there. The figures will be saved in the "figures" folder. To successfully run the Bayesian models with brms in R, you need to have RStan installed as well as all the corresponding packages. See on how to install RStan.
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