This folder contains:
- the abstract
- the slides
I am very grateful for your feedback. I will be available for the Q&A session on on April 14 2020, 7-8 pm (CET+2) and April 15 2020, 4-5 pm (CT+2). The link to the Zoom video call will be made available here 30 minutes prior to the session.
The link to the Zoom video call on April 14 2020, 19-20:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 743 8980 2065
Password: 6PPiVg
The link to the Zoom video call on April 15 2020:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 745 5636 9894
Password: 8RtLd5
Alternatively, you can leave your comments in the comments section or send me an email at