Approach -1 : In the first one we have analysed the microbial Ist - Order growth kinetics where
Exponential phase is most important. This sharp exponential phase is the main cause of
virulent spreading of viral infection .
Approach -2 : In the 2nd one we have reviewed the entire growth kinetics pattern to a more
appropriate manner similar to Exponential – Gaussian F ( x ) relationship which points out the
more prominent part of the short stationary phase or infinitesimally small linear relationship
followed by sudden down to declining or recovery phase with a negative slope of linearity .
It is also termed as Pseudo-Gaussian contour curve.
Approach – 3 : In the 3rd one we will correlate the LCAO approach to Pharmacokinetic
Phenomenon. The Remdesivir is approved as the most effective drug ( WHO ) – This drug
Binds with Covid19 antigen SARS –COV -2 as compared to Sp Hybridised Drug – Antigen
Linear overlap stabilising the complex.
1. , JAYDIP DATTA , May ,11, 2020 .
2. , JAYDIP DATTA , May ,18 ,2020 .
3. https://