# Datasets
`Klein2014_gambler.csv` is part of a dataset made available by Klein et al. (2014) under a CC0 1.0 Universal licence (= no restrictions).
The data in `LexicalDiversityFrench.csv` and `meanRatingPerText_French.csv` are also available in the `helascot` (Vanhove et al. 2019a,b) package, though not aggregated per text.
See original for licence.
`tests_per_article.csv` lists the number of statistical hypothesis tests reported in the primary empirical research articles of four applied linguistics/second language acquisition journals published in 2019. Theoretical articles, meta-analyses, and articles in special issues are not included. Licence: CC BY 4.0.
# References
Klein, Richard A., et al. 2014. Investigating variation in replicability: A "many labs" replication project. _Social Psychology_ 45(3). 142-152. [doi:10.1027/1864-9335/a000178](https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-9335/a000178)
Vanhove, Jan, et al. 2019a. helascot: Datasets for the Heritage Language and School Language (HELASCOT) project. R package, version 1.0.0. [https://github.com/janhove/helascot](https://github.com/janhove/helascot)
Vanhove, Jan, et al. 2019b. Predicting perceptions of the lexical richness of short French, German, and Portuguese texts. _Journal of Writing Research_ 10(3). 58-82. [doi:10.17239/jowr-2019.10.03.04](http://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2019.10.03.04)